Beoordelingen van Hostellerie Du Grünewald

1499 personen hebben dit restaurant beoordeeld
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1499 beoordelingen
datum score
Paul H.
Datum restaurantbezoek: 28/05/2018
Paul H. beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Groepen, Kinderen, Trendy, Topdiner, Beste waarde

Warm welcome, diligent service, great food,...

Warm welcome, diligent service, great food, excellent value for money!

Datum restaurantbezoek: 21/05/2018
Francine beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Kinderen, Trendy

A very nice location, excellent food and a...

A very nice location, excellent food and a friendly service. We enjoyed our evening and will definitely come back.

Datum restaurantbezoek: 14/05/2018
Julien beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Groepen, Kinderen, Business, Trendy, Topdiner

The place suits perfectly for a business diner,...

The place suits perfectly for a business diner,a family event or a romantic diner, this is also perfect before a night-out in Luxembourg. Very professional team and high-quality food, real "savoir-faire" of the Chief Mr. DEGRAVE.

Datum restaurantbezoek: 13/04/2018
H. beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Koppels, Business, Trendy

Good food, nicely presented and friendly, compe...

Good food, nicely presented and friendly, competent staff. One comment: plate lunch menu could be accompanied by a small, but substantial sidedish, i.e. a bit of rice or pasta.

Deze beoordeling is geschreven na RestoDays menu 3 services
Datum restaurantbezoek: 21/03/2018
Catherine beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Koppels, Topdiner

J'ai été séduite par le cadre, le service,...

J'ai été séduite par le cadre, le service, la qualité des produits. Mes attentes ont été comblées à 100%. C'est une belle adresse que m'ont permis de découvrir les Resto Days

Deze beoordeling is geschreven na RestoDays menu 3 services
Datum restaurantbezoek: 19/03/2018
Hideyuki beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Koppels, Trendy, Topdiner

Well trained welcoming staff and good quality...

Well trained welcoming staff and good quality of food with some fusion twists.

Deze beoordeling is geschreven na RestoDays menu 3 services
Datum restaurantbezoek: 19/03/2018
Annie beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Koppels, Topdiner

Dîner dans le cadre des restodays. Très bel...

Dîner dans le cadre des restodays. Très bel effort du restaurant pour proposer un menu de qualité à un prix abordable. Repas raffiné et excellent du début jusqu¿a la fin. Moi qui ne suis pas fan des desserts toujours trop sucrés, là c¿etait parfait.

Deze beoordeling is geschreven na RestoDays menu 3 services
Datum restaurantbezoek: 19/03/2018
Andreas beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Koppels, Topdiner, Beste waarde

My wife and I visited the restaurant because...

My wife and I visited the restaurant because of "restodays". Since a few years we use these offers to visit restaurants we have not been before. This was maybe the best restaurant we discovered by doing this so far. From the two courses offered for starter and main dish, we took both each time and both starters, both main dishes and the dessert were very good. Especially the main dishes (lamb with sweet potato puree; resp. salmon) were excellent.

Datum restaurantbezoek: 25/11/2017
Fanny beveelt dit restaurant aan voor: Koppels, Groepen, Business, Trendy, Topdiner, Beste waarde

Charming restaurant & hotel

Beautiful charming location offering a well-decorated interior and excellent food. The hotel is very nice, the rooms are modern with a fast wifi connection and are super-clean + the staff is very friendly and helpful. Their restaurant has a great interior design (flamingo wallpaper that I loved) and the food is delicious!

datum score