Mijn meningen

Restaurant Aal Schoul

Grand rue 33a 8372 HOBSCHEID
PatriciaChambers chambers lewis
PatriciaChamberschambers lewis
Beoordeeld op  18/07/2019 11:00
PatriciaChambers beveelt dit restaurant aan voor:

The entree was mediocre the rest of the meal satisfactory .The ambianc...

The entree was mediocre the rest of the meal satisfactory .The ambiance was superb and the staff. pleasant

PatriciaChambers chambers lewis
0 Favorieten
0 Beoordelingen
Beoordeeld op  18/07/2019 11:00
PatriciaChambers beveelt dit restaurant aan voor:

The entree was mediocre the rest of the meal satisfactory .The ambianc...

The entree was mediocre the rest of the meal satisfactory .The ambiance was superb and the staff. pleasant

Restaurant Maria Bonita Bar/restaurant

Rives de Clausen 7 2165 LUXEMBURG
PatriciaChambers chambers lewis
PatriciaChamberschambers lewis
Beoordeeld op  28/07/2016 13:17
PatriciaChambers beveelt dit restaurant aan voor:

food ambiance location terrace staff...

food ambiance location terrace staff

PatriciaChambers chambers lewis
0 Favorieten
0 Beoordelingen
Beoordeeld op  28/07/2016 13:17
PatriciaChambers beveelt dit restaurant aan voor:

food ambiance location terrace staff...

food ambiance location terrace staff